Up to 500,000 Russians die annually of causes related to the excessive use of alcohol, Rospotrebnadzor consumer rights’ watchdog reports, but consumption rates are falling – according to consumer rights watchdog…

Up to 500,000 Russians die annually of causes related to the excessive use of alcohol, Rospotrebnadzor consumer rights’ watchdog reports.

Experts say that in Russia alcohol abuse causes the premature avertable death of about half a million people every year, resulting in a mortality rate of about 30 percent of men and 15 percent of women,” Interfax was told at the press service of the consumer rights organisation.

Since 2009, official per capita sales of alcoholic products in absolute alcohol went down by almost 9 percent from 9.1 liter in 2009 to 8.3 liter in 2014.

From 2009 through 2014, the number of patients registered with alcoholism for the first time dropped by 28%. Besides, the number of registered alcoholics at medical institutions also went down by 11%,” the authority reported.

The statistics of the past few years indicate that youngsters become alcoholics due to the consumption of low-alcohol beverages, like most beers: 33% of boys and 20% of girls use alcohol daily or every other day,” the service said.

In 2012 Gennady Onishchenko, the then head of Rospotrebnadzor, said that Russia had three million alcoholics. He said that several million more Russians have not been diagnosed as alcoholics but cannot live without regularly consuming alcohol.

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