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UN Road Safety Week

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Avenue Appia 20, Pregny-Chambésy, Pregny-Chambésy, Geneva, Switzerland

The United Nations Global Road Safety Week and its' campaigns are coordinated by the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, chaired by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
All stakeholders – national and local governments, international agencies, civil society organizations, private companies, and the public generally – are invited to plan and host events marking the Weeks...


UN Road Safety Week

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Avenue Appia 20, Pregny-Chambésy, Pregny-Chambésy, Geneva, Switzerland

The United Nations Global Road Safety Week and its' campaigns are coordinated by the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, chaired by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
All stakeholders – national and local governments, international agencies, civil society organizations, private companies, and the public generally – are invited to plan and host events marking the Weeks...