Program for conference already available…

I am very happy to present to you today the program and key information for the upcoming IOGT conference on Community and Rehabilitation!

I am already looking forward and I hope as many of you as possible will be able to join me and many others in Berlin in November. You are cordially invited to take part in the IOGT International Conference on Community and Rehabilitation.

This is what the conference will be about:

Social work as a task for IOGT member organizations – an exiting exchange of national and international approaches, experiences and results.

22nd to 24th of November 2013
In Berlin, IOGT House, Wildenbruchstraße 80, D-12045 Berlin

Aims of the conference:

  • Documenting how most of the European member organizations of IOGT Internation- al are working in the field of rehabilitation and social work. The target groups differ, and there are a lot of different methods being used.
  • Showing that the willingness of the members to help and support fellow human be- ings in need is the core of this work. Self-help-groups and other forms of networking may give a new perspective for those who have been affected by alcohol and other drug-related problems.
  • Raising awareness of the extent and nature of such work, as a basis for exchange and mutual learning about targets, methods and results.
  • This is an occasion to make new friends, to form new networks and an opportunity for supporting and stabilizing the organizations.

Please feel free to get in touch with me directly should you have any questions and/ or remarks, ideas and wishes.

Rolf Hüllinghorst Board Member
Loheide 29 b,
D 33609 Bielefeld
+49 521 81535

This is what the program looks like. There is plenty of room for debate and exchange and for your contributions to make this conference a success.

Friday, 22nd of November 2013

07.00 p.m. Opening and Welcome Speeches Introduction of participants

Saturday, 23rd of November 2013

Introductory lectures:
“The traditions of IOGT as a reason for helping people in need” by Helge Kolstad, Norway

“Community oriented programs or ‘paid friends’? How to establish supportive and protective environments” by Francesco Piani, Italy

Group work, based on the introductory lectures

Social work and rehabilitation in the IOGT Member organizations Presentation of approaches, models and innovations

1st unit: Treatment for addicted people

2nd unit: Voluntary Work for addicted people

3rd unit: Children and young people

Bus-trip to Berlin-City
Dinner with Berlin-specialties – “Bundestag by night” – Visiting the House Of Parliament

Sunday, 24th of November 2013

4th unit: And more social aspects Discussion and remarks, future activities

“IOGT International’s Vision as a reason for further work in the fields of social work and rehabilitation” by Rolf Hüllinghorst, Germany


The final Invitation will follow in May.