I have to share with you how I feel right now. I feel like Steve Jobs. Those who read a book about him (or knew him personally), know, that Steve was able to cancel an event of launching a new product one day before the Day that many people were waiting for and which was promoted in big style, just because he discovered that there was something about the product that could be improved…

Hello my friends,

I have to share with you how I feel right now. I feel like Steve Jobs. Those who read a book about him (or knew him personally), know, that Steve was able to cancel an event of launching a new product one day before the Day that many people were waiting for and which was promoted in big style, just because he discovered that there was something about the product that could be improved.

In the recent weeks and months I have been working for quite some time on the development of a campaign for UN’s Orange day and IOGT International’s contribution to it. We intended to launch the campaign today (on 25th of April). A bit dissatisfied with the situation but very content with my conclusion, I have to tell that the campaign is not ready to be launched yet. It needs improvement. It needs perfection. As I do not want IOGT International to come up with a half-done product, or mediocrity, it will not be revealed on the 25th of this month but it will be announced this month for sure, so you all can join it for the 25th of May and all the other “25th”s to come.

While waiting for the campaign, let me summarize what the Orange Day is and what IOGT International is doing about it.

I have understood that some of you think that the Orange Day is IOGT International’s campaign or even my campaign. I wish! But it is not. It is a campaign announced by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. The aim is to raise awareness about and call for action to eliminate violence against women and girls.

IOGT International welcomes this campaign and wants to endorse this cause by contributing with our knowledge on alcohol related violence against women. We believe our members will mobilise to spread the knowledge about it. It is time to stop excusing alcohol related violence and it is time to make sure that the world gets to know that when we reduce alcohol use, we reduce gender based violence.

Stop Excusing Alcohol Violence

When we took first steps into the Orange Day campaign, we took pictures where the orange colour dominated just to highlight the day. Then we felt that the colour is not enough and we need to act. So we called for each 25th to be alcohol free. Then we prepared a movie that in one minute says it all. And in few days you will get to know how we are going to involve you. Just a hint: it will be about team work and art.

So now I go back to the last preparations and I hope you are enjoying this day making it significant one way or another. Soon we will do it together, united to be make our impact stronger!

Featured image photo credit: Collage artist Jason Mecier created a portrait of Steve Jobs assembled from objects the he helped innovate.