The British Medical Association in Scotland has urged for alcohol advertising targeting children to be prohibited and underlined the need for a comprehensive alcohol strategy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in Scotland…

The British Medical Association (BMA) in Scotland has urged for alcohol advertising targeting children to be prohibited.

The call means that BMA Scotland supports proposals included in a bill tabled to the Scottish Parliament. The Health and Sport Committee has invited written comments on the bill, before it will be discussed by Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs). The bill proposes to limit alcohol advertising near places used by children, such as schools, and at events targeted at children. It would also limit alcohol advertising on retail premises.

“It should not be acceptable for the alcohol industry to sponsor and brand events that are aimed at under-18s and MSPs should use this opportunity to take action on alcohol advertising.”

BMA said it hoped the debate would draw attention to the “comprehensive alcohol strategy Scotland needs”. Figures analysed specially for the Scottish government in 2009 estimated that Scotland had the eighth highest level of alcohol consumption in the world. The World Health Organisation has linked alcohol to more than 60 types of disease, disability and injury.

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