Recognizing that India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), now considered as a developmental burden, the Association of Health Providers India, the Public Health Foundation of India, Indian Council of Medical Research, along with other key partners from government, research institutions, academia and international agencies joined hands to organize the National Health Conclave 2017 with the theme “Chronic Care – Innovation, opportunities and Challenges”…

India: 2017 National Health Conclave On NCDs

Recognizing that India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), now considered as a developmental burden, the Association of Health Providers India, the Public Health Foundation of India, Indian Council of Medical Research, along with other key partners from government, research institutions, academia and international agencies joined hands to organize the National Health Conclave 2017 with the theme “Chronic Care – Innovation, opportunities and Challenges”.

The NCDs burden in India

One in four Indians is currently at risk of dying from an NCD before the age of 70. In 2013, India, owing to its escalating burden of NCDs, adopted a set of 10 national voluntary targets under the National Action Plan to reduce premature NCD mortality by 25% by 2025.

Purpose of the conclave

The conclave brought together all stakeholders, including the Government, research institutions, academia, industry, public health experts, community and international agencies on one platform to deliberate and develop strategies to prevent and control the threat of NCDs.

Making transformative change happen

India is currently on a trajectory to become the country with the largest number of people suffering from NCDs in the world. Through various targeted sessions, the Conclave deliberated about knowledge on innovation, quality improvement, prevention and policy regulations and human resource development with regard to NCDs.

Prevention and the promotion of healthy lifestyles among Indian citizens for an improved economy will be the key going forward. The Conclave envisages to develop a ‘White paper’ that will contain useful policy measures and resource requirements to inform the Government.


Source Website: Outlook India