Authorities are warning about the “mega-fiestas” which are a gateway to consumption of alcohol and drugs and other risky behaviors by young people.

Costa Rica: Alcohol and Mega-Fiestas Put Youth in Danger

Authorities are warning about the “mega-fiestas” which are a gateway to consumption of alcohol and other drugs and other risky youth behaviors.

Authorities of the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA) in Costa Rica, alert the families of the country about high alcohol consumption by youth in the so-called “mega-parties” or “mega-fiestas”, parties in big houses and villages, among others.

  • The IAFA reports, the analysis of young people’s drug consumption in the last 30 days found alcohol excels, with 20% having alcohol in the blood.
  • Further 69% of school students surveyed say they have taken alcoholic beverages.

There is growing concern about increasing alcohol use by youth in the country. The initiation of alcohol use in adolescence has become common place despite the fact that teens starting alcohol use at age 13 are 6 times more likely to develop problems with alcohol consumption, both cognitively and emotionally.

The college parties have also changed over the years. Before, these parties were seen at the end of the school year. At present, any moment or event is used to organize a party that includes use of psychoactive substances.

According to IAFA, the average age of initiation to alcohol consumption is 17 years. 35% of men and 31% of women are consumers of alcohol. 63% of the population has consumed alcohol at some point and 58% of men are incidental consumers of liquor.

Partying with alcohol: the harm

According to the IAFA, the consumption of drugs is the common denominator of the parties organized for schoolchildren. The IAFA alerts parents about the spread of these events and the importance of being attentive and vigilant regarding risky behavior to which their children may be exposed.

These mega-parties are characterized by facilitating attendees, abundance and variety of drugs; becoming in many occasions the first contact of a young person with this type of substances”, states the IAFA as per The Costa Rica News.

Alcohol is a depressant drug, which affects all the organs of the consumer’s body. Its progressive consumption can cause mental and physical ill-health. Further alcohol is a sedative. Alcohol consumption and  alcohol intoxication can cause poisoning or even death. Intense and prolonged consumption sometimes causes dependence or a large number of mental, physical, and organic disorders. Alcohol also causes substantial harm to others than the alcohol users themselves.

According to various surveys conducted by IAFA, since 2012 the availability and variety of alcoholic beverages within the country has increased significantly. This contributes to the initiation of consumption by new, diverse population segments – including minors.

There are products such as alcoholic beverages prepared with high sugar content, craft beers, or cold tea with alcohol, alternatives to traditional beer which are appealing to young people. When they begin their consumption with such products they believe the experience to be pleasant socially, visually and in taste and form positive notions around substance use.

A recent study of children and adolescents hospitalized in the National Psychiatric Hospital reported that 75% of these minors had used some drug.

Who is behind these parties? profiting at the expense of health

While some of these parties are organized by minors themselves and some by unscrupulous adults, it is also considered a business opportunity for some. External people or companies use these activities as an opportunity to profit by offering complete services that include renting the farm, transportation (bus, minibus or even limousine), hiring music, food and, of course, a wide variety of alcohol.

Young people are an important market for Big Alcohol and other addiction industries. Initiation of young people is needed for these industries to continue and they continuously use various strategies to gain profits at the expense of public health and societal development.

Alcohol Harm in Costa Rica

© WHO Global Alcohol Status Report 2018

Youth alcohol use shows harmful trends in Costa Rica as 45.5% youth between 15 to 19 years binge on alcohol. The health consequences are significant specially for Costa Rican men of whom 10.4% suffer from alcohol use disorders which is comparatively higher than the average of WHO Americas region.

The data, the growing youth alcohol use, and related risky behaviour in the country suggests Costa Rica needs to implement a comprehensive alcohol control policy to reduce and control the harm from alcohol.

Source Website: The Costa Rica News