Results indicated consistent support for the number of network members present as a predictor of the number of drinks consumed per drinking day, regardless of member characteristics. Only important others who were not alcohol users and romantic partners failed to demonstrate unique positive associations with units of alcohol per alcohol using day…


Clayton Neighbors (email:, Heather Krieger, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, Dipali V. Rinker & Jordanna M. Lembo


Neighbors, C., Krieger, H., Rodriguez, L., Rinker, D. and Lembo, J. (2019). Social identity and drinking: Dissecting social networks and implications for novel interventions. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 47(3), pp.259-273.

Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Release date

Social Identity and Alcohol Use: Dissecting Social Networks and Implications for Novel Interventions

Research article



Alcohol use among young adults has been consistently associated with perceptions of prevalence and approval of varying levels of alcohol use among broadly defined similar others (e.g. other female college students). Few works have considered influences in terms of actual group members comprising individuals’ social networks. This study proposed two overlapping groups would differentially influence alcohol use (important others; drinking buddies; and members of both groups). Furthermore, the study expected that specific individuals (e.g. romantic partners and family members) would be associated with less alcohol use.


Data were provided from 372 alcohol users who logged daily alcohol use and the presence of network members on MTurk.

Results and conclusion

Results indicated consistent support for the number of network members present as a predictor of the number of drinks consumed per alcohol using day, regardless of member characteristics. Only important others who were not alcohol users and romantic partners failed to demonstrate unique positive associations with units of alcohol per alcohol using day.

Source Website: Taylor and Francis Online